

  • CBDの種類

  • アイソレートCBDよりブロードスペクトラム? 










アイソレートCBD 化学精製されたCBDで、さまざまな工程を経てアサからCBD以外のすべての成分を取り除いたものです。アイソレートにはアントラージュ効果はありません。 

フルスペクトラムCBD 医療用大麻に含まれる成分とほぼ等しい成分で構成された、ヘンプ由来の抽出物です。アントラージュ効果があり、望ましくない成分も含まれています。フルスペクトラムCBDは、人によっては不快な症状を伴う可能性があるTHCという成分を最大0.3%含んでいます。

ブロードスペクトラムCBD フルスペクトラムCBDとほぼ同じで、アントラージュ効果をもたらす分子の構成比率も天然のそれと変わりませんが、THCが取り除かれており、CBDの安全面と許容面においてより改善されています。 













Why Choose Broad Spectrum CBD?

 Written by: Genevieve R. Moore PhD


What’s the difference between different types of CBD?

Why is broad spectrum better than CBD isolate?

Our ties to plants are almost as strong as our ties to our families. Plants nourish us, they make our air safe to breathe, they can comfort us when we’re alone, and sometimes they heal us when we’re sick.

Our ancestors evolved with a wide variety of plants at hand, and over time, learned which plants were best at treating different ailments… a lesson that’s been passed down through the ages as traditional medicine.

Cannabis plants (which include resourceful hemp plants and also the recreational variety) are one of humanity’s most ancient and widespread herbal treatments. When humans thousands of years ago cultivated cannabis and carried the seeds to new lands, they specifically took the most beneficial breeds with them. This is how we’ve inherited today’s hemp breeds, which are rich in beneficial CBD.

However, CBD isn’t the complete picture of why hemp has such a rich history in traditional medicine. Often, when you separate one active molecule out of a medicinal plant, that molecule is less effective on its own. CBD appears to fall into this category as well.

This article explores the different types of CBD available on the market today, and why broad-spectrum CBD is often preferrable to CBD isolate.


The Entourage Effect

The term used to describe the higher effectiveness of a natural medicinal plant compared to the strength of any of its single isolated components is called the “entourage effect.”

A hemp plant doesn’t only contain CBD: It can also contain over a hundred different similar molecules (called cannabinoids, which include CBG), as well as powerful terpenes and phenolics. Similar to CBD, all these other molecules have very promising health benefits of their own. And when you cut all these molecules out and only keep the CBD, it’s no surprise that CBD alone would be less effective.

One piece of evidence in favor of the entourage effect comes from experiments that track the effectiveness of CBD over a range of different doses. Researchers have found that CBD can help soothe inflammation and anxiety in rodents (amongst many other benefits), and so they can track CBD’s effectiveness by measuring how well it treats these symptoms.

When a full spectrum extract is used, rich in all the diverse cannabis compounds, CBD helps soothe inflammation more and more with increasing doses. On the other hand, when CBD is isolated from the plant and used as a purified chemical, it can only accomplish so much before its benefits disappear.


What’s the difference between broad spectrum, full spectrum and CBD isolate?

These terms reflect whether or not the CBD comes with the entourage effect, and what the entourage contains. There are different reasons why you might want one over the other.

CBD isolate is the purified chemical version of CBD. Chemists have started with a hemp plant and then used a variety of technical procedures to remove everything except for CBD. There is no entourage in CBD isolate.

Full-spectrum CBD is a hemp extract that most closely resembles the natural components of medicinal cannabis. This contains the entire entourage – including some undesirable components. Full-spectrum CBD often contains up to 0.3% THC, which can cause unpleasant side effects in some people.

Broad-spectrum CBD is almost identical to full-spectrum CBD, with a natural ratio of entourage molecules. However, an extra step has been performed to remove the THC from the extract, which helps improve the safety and tolerability of the CBD.


Why does the entourage effect work?

Although it might intuitively make sense that a medicinal plant might work better as a whole rather than purified into single molecules, researchers love to ask “why?” Here are some of the reasons why the entourage effect might work:

Overlapping benefits: Many of our health issues are complex and best addressed on a more holistic level that addresses this complexity. Although CBD can target multiple different systems in our bodies, if you include the rest of the entourage with all their targets, you can cast a much wider net. For instance, although CBD might be able to address anxiety by targeting serotonin receptors, other members of the entourage might address anxiety in other, overlapping ways.

CBD isn’t always the best molecule for the job: When it comes to CBD’s targets, its ability to stimulate or otherwise impact targets is not a simple on-off switch. Instead, CBD can bind to some targets better than others, which makes it more or less effective at different targets. Other members of the entourage, like CBG or different terpenes, might bind more effectively to those targets and have greater effects. This means that, depending on your reasons for taking CBD, the entourage might have an even greater benefit than CBD itself. 

Bioavailability: CBD can’t do much good unless it can get where it needs to go in your body. Different members of the entourage can help CBD’s bioavailability in different ways, by slowing your body’s metabolism of CBD or helping it move around your body. For instance, at least one member (nerolidol, a terpene)  of the entourage helps CBD penetrate across your skin, which makes broad-spectrum CBD ideal for topical CBD preparations like body balms or bath salts.

For your body and mind, we wish you only the fullest, most nourishing experiences on your path to wellness.

In the next article in this series, we’ll cover CBD’s potential side effects and when to be cautious.