
  • 高容量摂取による副作用

  • CBDと併用しない方がいい薬

  • CBDの使用を注意すべき人








CBDを主成分とするてんかん治療薬エピディオレックスは、米国で医薬品として承認されていています。この薬を使用して218歳の男女に臨床試験が実施されました。体重45キログラムの患者に対し、1日当たり900mgのCBDに相当する高容量が14週間投与されました。参考までに、Iah for lunaのCBDバーム1本に含まれるCBDの量が400mgであることを踏まえると、この容量の多さが想像できると思います。



  • 空腹感の欠如
  • 眠気
  • 消化不良
  • 肝臓の合併症(下記参照)












血圧が低い人:CBDはストレス対策の目的で使用されることがあります。ストレスの大きい状況に直面したときにCBDが血圧を下げてくれることを示す エビデンスもあります。ただし、この効能は低血圧の人の血圧をさらに下げることにもなります。血圧の不安がある人はCBDを少しずつ試し、CBD服用による血圧低下がないと確認できるまでは、立ちくらみなどが起きる状況を避けるようにしましょう。




Does CBD Have Side Effects?

 Written by: Genevieve R. Moore PhD


  • CBD, especially in high doses, could come with side effects
  • Why are certain medications not recommended to be mixed with CBD?
  • Who should be most cautious about CBD products?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is showing up in more and more products these days. From sleeping tinctures to energy drinks to beauty products, this little molecule enjoys world-renowned praise and fame.

CBD is generally considered safe (even by the World Health Organization), and doesn’t appear to pose a risk for abuse while offering a lot of therapeutic promise. However, given CBD’s rise in popularity, it’s important for us to be educated on any negative side effects or risks we might face when taking it.

This article covers the research available on CBD’s potential side effects, as well as some extra precautions for people who are on prescription medications, pregnant, or experience a few other health conditions.


Side effects from CBD clinical trials

CBD doesn’t appear to cause serious adverse side effects on its own, and the side effects people experience are usually at very high doses. For this reason, the best records available on CBD’s side effects are from clinical trials that give patients large doses of CBD for an extended period of time.

Epidiolex, a CBD-based epilepsy drug that is approved for medicinal use in the United States, conducted a few clinical trials on children aged 2 to 18. Over a period of 14 weeks, they were given high daily doses equivalent to 900 mg for a 45 kg person. For an idea of how high those doses were, an entire package of Iah CBD balm only contains 400 mg.

Despite taking extraordinarily high doses of CBD for multiple months, the children did not appear to experience any serious side effects stemming directly from CBD. When they did experience side effects, the side effects could almost always be resolved by simply lowering the dose.

The side effects reported most often were:

  • Lack of hunger
  • Sleepiness
  • Digestive upset
  • Liver complications (see below)

These side effects were experienced when taking a product taken in an oral solution, which circulates throughout the body and is processed by the liver. If you are concerned about potential side effects, you might want to try a topical CBD product first, like in a balm or bath salts. This will help keep the positive benefits localized to where you want them.


When to be cautious with CBD

Because of its widespread use and excellent track record, most people assume that CBD is universally beneficial and can be taken by everyone. However, researchers are still trying to determine when and if CBD’s risks outweigh its potential benefits. Though there are no official guidelines, a few groups of people should approach CBD with caution and/or consult a medical professional before trying CBD.


If you’re on prescription medication: CBD is processed by your liver’s cytochrome p450 enzymes. This means that, similar to grapefruits, CBD might compete with your liver’s ability to metabolize certain prescription medications. When this happens, it could either increase or decrease the effectiveness of some medications, which could be a risky proposition. If you’re currently taking warfarin, HIV antivirals, chemotherapy, or similar prescription drugs, it’s highly advised that you consult with your doctor before taking CBD. When you take prescription medications, it’s always important to learn about potential interactions with other drugs and health supplements.


If you have liver complications: When tested in the Epidiolex clinical trials, high doses of CBD may have led to an increase in certain liver enzymes. All the children in this trial were also taking other drugs which are known to cause liver damage, so it is unclear whether the CBD led to the liver changes, or if it was the effect of combining CBD with liver-damaging pharmaceuticals. Although liver-related side effects have not been observed in trials where patients took CBD on its own, it is still unknown if high levels of CBD can affect people who already have liver health challenges. If you have liver health issues, it is best to consult with a medical professional before taking CBD, and to monitor your liver health when and if you start a regular CBD regimen.


If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding: If CBD enters your bloodstream, it can be passed to your unborn child through the placenta or to your infant through breastfeeding. Although it’s unknown whether CBD poses any risks to a developing baby, it’s always safest to minimize your unborn or newly-born baby’s exposure to anything that hasn’t been thoroughly researched. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and considering taking CBD, its best to talk to your doctor about the potential risks and benefits.


If you have low blood pressure: One of the potential benefits that people like to use CBD for is to help them deal with stress. Some evidence suggests that CBD could help reduce people’s blood pressure when they encounter a stressful situation. But the flipside of this benefit is that it might further reduce blood pressure in people who are already experiencing low blood pressure. If low blood pressure is a concern, it’s best to start slow when trying CBD, and not do anything that makes you lightheaded until you’re certain that CBD has not lowered your blood pressure.


Your health is important to us and we wish you a safe and fulfilling wellness journey.

In the next article in this series, we’ll focus on how CBD is used for managing periods.