- 痛みの増強:炎症は痛みを引き起こすだけでなく、神経が痛みに一層敏感になります。
- 経血量の増加:炎症は月経周期の中で必要な要素ですが、炎症が強すぎると必要以上に組織が損傷します。炎症を抑えることで、月経中に出る血液の量を減らすこともできます。
- 収縮の増強:プロスタグランジン濃度が高いほど、子宮の収縮が強くなります。
- 消化器系の不調:生理中の収縮は子宮だけではありません。消化管を覆っている筋肉も収縮し、下痢や消化に関する問題を引き起こします。
- 炎症を抑える:最終の研究では、CBDがNSAIDsに似た働きをして、炎症物質プロスタグランジンの生成を抑えることがわかりました。さらに、CBDはターゲットを絞って作用するので、NSAIDsのような副作用を起こしません。
- 筋肉をリラックスさせる:私たちを悩ませる生理痛は、筋肉の硬直や、子宮の収縮が原因とされています。CBDは筋肉をリラックスさせる効果があるといわれています。研究の結果、CBDは顎関節症患者の痛みを伴う筋肉の活動を軽減させることがわかりました。
- 痛みを和らげる:CBDは炎症を抑え、筋肉をリラックスさせることで痛みを和らげることができる上、痛みを感知する受容体の一つ、TRPV1を鈍感にすることで、さらなる痛みの緩和を可能にします。
- 温かい湯船に浸かる:入浴は骨盤内の血流が良くなり、凝り固まった筋肉がほぐれるので、生理痛に効果的です。お湯にリラックス効果のあるハーブやCBDのバスソルトを入れると、より効果的です。
- カフェイン抜きのお茶を飲む:生理中はカフェインを避けた方が賢明です。カフェインは生理痛を悪化させる可能性があるからです。そして水分が多く失われている時は特に水分補給をすることが重要です。また、ジンジャーやカモミールなどのお茶の成分は、痛みの緩和に効果的です。
- 温熱パッドを使う: NSAIDsに匹敵するくらい温めることが月経痛の緩和に役立つと感じる女性は多いです。自宅では温熱パッドや湯たんぽを使い、外出時はカイロなどを使うと良いでしょう。
- マグネシウムのサプリメント:小規模な研究では、マグネシウムが生理中の痛みや炎症を抑えることが示されています。また、チョコレートやナッツ、豆腐など、マグネシウムを多く含む食品を食べるのもよいでしょう。
- 医師に相談する:生理痛はただ我慢をし続ければいいわけではありません。生理痛には、医師が手助けできるような基礎疾患が隠れていることがあります。生理不順が続くようであれば、医療機関に相談してみてはいかがでしょうか。
Easing Menstrual Pain with CBD
Written by: Genevieve R. Moore PhD
- Why do women use CBD for their periods?
- What are some natural ways to ease menstrual cramps?
Some women have easy periods… but for the rest of us, the “time of the month” can feel like a recurring nightmare. In fact, most women suffer from painful periods, also known as dysmenorrhea, and the pain can feel anywhere between a dull ache to a heart attack.
If you suffer from a painful period, it will be a lot easier to face it if you are prepared to manage the pain. Besides popular NSAIDs, there are a number of natural treatments that could help. Read on to discover why CBD is quickly becoming many women’s first choice when it comes to dealing with period pain.
Your Period, Explained
In order to help you understand why we suffer through period pain, here’s a quick refresher on the monthly cycle.
Normally, during the middle of your cycle, your hormones work together to line your uterus with thick, nourishing endometrial tissue. After you ovulate and your body realizes it’s not pregnant, it starts cutting off blood flow to this tissue in order to start over once again.
At this point, levels of inflammatory prostaglandins start increasing. These prostaglandins are one of the root causes of suffering during menstruation because this inflammation leads to:
- Increased pain: Inflammation can cause pain, as well as cause our nerves to become extra sensitive to pain.
- More blood: Inflammation is a necessary part of the menstrual cycle, but high levels of inflammation could lead to extra tissue damage. Reducing the inflammation could decrease the amount of blood released by your body during menstruation.
- Stronger cramps: The higher your prostaglandin levels, the more intense your cramps will be.
- Digestive upset: During your period, cramps aren’t confined to your uterus. The muscles lining your digestive tract could also contract, which can lead to diarrhea or other digestive issues this time of the month.
Easing period cramps with anti-inflammatories
Because inflammatory prostaglandins are at the heart of many of our period woes, taking medications to decrease prostaglandins is a popular treatment for period pain. For this reason, NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are typically used.
Although NSAIDs can reduce your body’s production of prostaglandins, they can also lead to some undesirable side effects and are not recommended for everyone. Also, they aren’t always a strong enough solution on their own. Therefore, many women seek alternative options.
Using CBD to treat period pain
Many women have begun using CBD to manage their menstrual cycles, and research is starting to find evidence for why it could be so useful. Here are some of the ways CBD could help:
- Fight inflammation: Some recent research has found CBD could work similar to NSAIDs by reducing your body’s ability to produce inflammatory prostaglandins. Even better, CBD might do this in a targeted way, so that it wouldn’t cause many of the undesirable NSAID side effects.
- Relax muscles: During our periods, we often suffer from tight muscles and uterine contractions that cause cramp pain. Many people find that CBD helps their muscles relax, and when studied, CBD was found to decrease painful muscle activity in people suffering from TMD.
- Relieve pain: CBD could help relieve pain by decreasing inflammation and relaxing muscles. Additionally, it might help further reduce pain by desensitizing TRPV1, which is one of the ways our bodies perceive pain.
Other natural ways to ease menstrual pain
- Take a hot bath: A hot bath can do wonders for menstrual pain because heat increases blood flow to the pelvis, which can help tight muscles to relax. Additionally, you can add relaxing herbs or even CBD bath salts to the water to enhance its soothing properties.
- Drink caffeine-free tea: Drinking caffeine-free tea could help you in a few different ways. First, you should avoid caffeine during your period because the caffeine could make your cramps worse. Second, it’s important to stay hydrated, especially when you’re losing a lot of fluids. And third, tea ingredients like ginger or chamomile could help relieve some of the pain.
- Use a heating pad: Many women find heat as effective as NSAIDs for relieving menstrual pain. You could use a heating pad or hot water bottle at home - or an adhesive heat wrap if you need to leave the house.
- Magnesium supplements: Some women find that magnesium supplements can help reduce their symptoms. In a small study, magnesium was shown to reduce pain and inflammation during periods. Alternatively, you could eat magnesium-rich foods like chocolate, nuts and tofu.
- Talk with a doctor: Painful periods are common, but that doesn’t mean it’s always best to just deal with it, month after month. There could be underlying health conditions that doctors might be able to help you with. If your periods are difficult to manage, you should talk with a medical professional.
For your body and mind, we wish for your health and happiness as you move through life’s natural cycles.