“CBD入り○○” あり?なし?

 By Genevieve R. Moore PhD

  • アルコールやコーヒー、お菓子にCBDが入っているのはなぜ?

  • CBD入りの食べ物や飲み物を摂るべき?







コーヒーや紅茶のカフェインによる副作用、苛立ちや緊張を和らげるのにCBDが役立つという人がいます。さらに、カフェインCBDは同じ酵素 (シトクロムP 450)によって分解されるため、体で代謝される間、双方の効果をより長く感じることができるかもしれません。

















Putting CBD in Everything: When to Say No

 Written by: Genevieve R. Moore PhD

  • Why is CBD being added to alcohol, coffee, and other treats?
  • Should you take CBD-enhanced foods and drinks?

 CBD has many health benefits, which is why it’s growing in popularity as an ingredient in some of your favorite foods and beverages. Alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and sugary treats are being sold “with added CBD.” However, is there a benefit to adding CBD, or is it just a marketing gimmick?

This article looks at the risks and benefits of consuming CBD with different foods and drinks. That way you can decide for yourself the best way to take CBD.


Benefit #1: Increased absorption

CBD is oil soluble, which means that when you swallow CBD oil, it doesn’t immediately enter your bloodstream (which is water-based). As CBD passes through your digestive tract, it has to be broken up (otherwise known as emulsified) into tiny droplets in order to be absorbed and have an effect – or else it just passes through without ever being absorbed.

However, when you take CBD with food or a tasty beverage, it tells your body to produce more digestive enzymes (like bile acids and lipase), which can help your body emulsify and absorb more CBD. CBD is fat soluble, eating it with a fatty food (like chocolate) can also help your body absorb more.

Although this means CBD might work better when it tastes good, you don’t have to buy a pricey CBD product to get this benefit… you can also just take standard CBD oil with food. Another benefit of mixing it yourself is that you can choose exactly what dose to take.


Benefit #2: Chemical synergy

There’s a growing appreciation in the scientific community that some pharmaceuticals and other active molecules work better when paired together. Specifically, the right pairings can help you feel stronger results with fewer negative side effects.

CBD can work this way with other cannabinoids and terpenes (which is the basis of the entourage effect), and some people think it might work well with alcohol and caffeine as well.

For caffeine, some people find that CBD helps counterbalance the anxiety they get from drinking coffee or tea. Additionally, caffeine and CBD are both broken down by the same enzymes (Cytochrome P450), which means you might feel the effects of both for longer while your body works on metabolizing them.

For alcohol, some people feel an enhanced calming effect when it’s mixed with CBD. This may be because both alcohol and CBD can enhance GABA signaling in your brain – which helps reduce stress. Additionally, there’s growing evidence that CBD might be able to help counteract some of alcohol’s negative health effects on the liver and brain.


Benefit #3: A helpful reminder

Many people who benefit from CBD don’t have a hard time remembering to take it, but some of us need incentives to take care of ourselves on a daily basis. In the same way that tasty vitamins are useful for some people, a tasty CBD treat might become your preferred way of consuming your daily CBD.


Risk #1: Could incentivize bad habits

Unfortunately, many of the products that CBD is being added to (caffeine, alcohol, sugar…) are addictive. Some people who are trying to limit their intake of these addictive substances might convince themselves that it’s healthier when mixed with CBD – and use CBD to enable them to keep a bad habit.

If you already struggle to limit your intake of caffeine, alcohol or sugar, then buying these products with added CBD is probably not a wise decision.


Risk #2: You might consume more CBD than you need

Another drawback of adding CBD to addictive caffeine, alcohol and sugary products is that you might end up taking more CBD than your body needs. For instance, if you have a CBD chocolate bar at home, you might convince yourself that you could use another dose of CBD, when in fact your body is just craving sugar.

Keep it simple and listen to your body

If you’re just starting out with CBD, it might be best to start simple with a pure CBD product to learn how your body responds. Once you learn CBD’s benefits for yourself, then you can see if combining it with caffeine, alcohol or sugar helps or detracts from the experience.

Ultimately, you might find that you really enjoy CBD in your coffee, beer or candy – and that’s probably OK in moderation. However, if you’re shopping for a CBD-infused product, don’t sacrifice quality. Keep in mind that not all CBD is created equally, and you might be better off simply adding your own high-quality CBD to your favorite drink or treat.

For your body and mind, we hope you find the most nourishing way to support your health.

Can you be more specific why much of it just passes through without ever being absorbed.