痛みと関節炎: ペットが高齢になると関節炎を発症し、体を動かしたり生活を楽しんだりすることが難しくなります。プラセボ対照試験では、犬の関節炎の痛みがCBDオイルによって大幅に減少され、運動能力も向上したと証明されました。同様の研究で、CBDオイルを投与された関節炎の犬の大半が、痛み止めとして処方されていたガバペンチンへの依存を中止、または軽減することができました。
てんかん: 各国の政府が初めて承認した大麻由来の製品は、人間のてんかんの治療薬として処方されたCBDです。ペットのてんかんの研究では、CBDを与えた犬の発作の頻度が大幅に減少しました。
強迫的な掻きむしり(掻痒症): ペットが自分の体を何度も舐めたり掻いたりすることで、皮膚が刺激を受け脱毛することがあります。このような痒みの背景には皮膚炎、痛み、不安などさまざまな原因が考えられますが、CBDはこれらすべてに効果があるとされ、この研究ではCBDが犬のかゆみを和らげる効果があることを示しています。
不安: CBDは緊張を和らげるのに役立つと認知されていますが、ペットの不安を測定することは試験そのものが難しく、今のところ犬でテストされたパラメーター(大きな音や動きに対する反応)では、明確な答えが得られていません。ペットの不安に対するCBDの研究は今後も増えていくでしょう。
CBD for Pets: How Does it Help?
Written by: Genevieve R. Moore PhD
- CBD’s benefits for dogs, cats and other pets
- Should you give your pet CBD?
For many of us, seeing our pets unhappy or in pain is one of the worst things imaginable. So if your furry friend is dealing with arthritis, anxiety, cancer or another health issue, it’s no surprise that you’re considering giving them CBD to help soothe their troubles.
Of course, as a loving pet owner, you probably want to learn as much as possible about CBD before giving it to your pet. This article puts together the research out there on the benefits and risks of giving pets CBD.
Why do people give CBD to their pets?
As you might already know, people use CBD for many different health reasons. We use CBD to help manage pain, to relax and sleep, to balance our emotions, to support general wellness, and to relieve numerous health issues… And we also give our pets CBD for many of these same reasons.
Although there aren’t many studies testing CBD’s benefits for our furry friends, there’s a good reason why people often assume that what’s true for humans (about CBD, specifically) is also true for our pets: Mammals share the same genes, neurotransmitters, and molecular receptors that CBD targets. That is why mice, rats, rabbits and other animals are often used in CBD research to indicate how humans will respond.
In fact, most of CBD’s human benefits were discovered by studying it first in rodents. For this reason, many people often turn the tables and use human CBD studies as a rough estimate for how well CBD will work for their pets.
The research on CBD for pets
There are numerous clinical studies and other human trials that support CBD’s different health benefits for people, but when it comes down to your pet’s health, most of us would like to be certain that it has also been tested “for dogs,” “for cats,” etc. More pet-based research will be coming in the next few years, but for now, there are a few studies we can learn from.
Here’s what scientists have learned so far:
Pain and Arthritis: As our pets age, they can develop arthritis that interferes with their ability to move around and enjoy life. In a placebo-controlled study, CBD oil significantly decreased the pain experienced by arthritic dogs and also increased their mobility. In a similar study, the majority of arthritic dogs that were given CBD oil were able to discontinue or reduce their use of prescription gabapentin for pain.
Epilepsy: Prescription CBD to treat human epilepsy is the first government-approved use of a cannabis product in many countries around the world. For epileptic pets, one study has found that CBD could significantly reduce the frequency of seizures in dogs.
Compulsive scratching (pruritis): Sometimes our pets can lick or scratch themselves repetitively to the point where it irritates their skin and causes hair loss. This itching could be from any number of reasons, including dermatitis, pain, and anxiety. CBD is often praised for helping with all of these issues, and one study found that CBD could help relieve itching in dogs, although more research is needed on this topic
Anxiety: Although the ability of CBD to help calm nerves is well documented in humans, creating a good experiment that measures anxiety in our pets can be difficult. So far, the parameters that have been tested in dogs (response to loud noises and movement) have not produced any noticeable effects, but there will be more studies testing CBD for anxiety in pets in the future.
Is CBD right for your pet?
Scientists are still learning about the different ways that CBD can benefit our pets, but in general, research shows that long-term CBD use in dogs and cats is well tolerated, as is CBD-containing hemp consumption by rabbits. The main concern, similar to humans, is that too high of doses of CBD can be hard on the liver. Additionally, cats and other pets might metabolize CBD differently than dogs, which means that they could require a lower dose.
If you decide to use CBD to help your furry friend, it’s best to start slow. Choose a high-quality CBD product that is THC-free and begin with the smallest dose to see how your pet responds. Once you’re certain your pet doesn’t have a negative reaction to the product, you can increase the dose from there.
For more advice about using CBD products for your pet, you can always consult with your veterinarian. They will know your pet’s medical history and can give you an informed opinion. Ultimately, you know your pet best and will be the best person to decide if CBD is right for your pet.