- ストレスの軽減
- 心臓の健康
- 尿漏れの抑制
- 免疫の健康
- 骨盤底力の強化
- 睡眠の改善
- 性欲の減退 月経があるときは、排卵前に急激に増加するエストロゲンが性欲を誘発していました。月経が無くなると、気分を高めるのに多少工夫が必要になるかもしれません。
- 膣の血行不良 酸素を含んだ血液が規則正しく骨盤周りを循環すると、膣の潤いと健康が保たれます。エストロゲンは膣の血流を促進させる作用があります。エストロゲンの分泌が減少したら、別の方法で血流を促す必要があるでしょう。
- 痛みの増加 エストロゲンが欠乏すると、膣の痛みを感じる神経が過敏になることがあります。このせいで、以前は素晴らしいと感じていた性行為が不快なもの、さらには痛みを伴うものに変化することがあります。
- 閉経後性器尿路症候群 更年期を経験した女性の半数以上がこの症状を抱えています。膣の内壁が薄くなり潤いが失われ、炎症を起こしやすくなります。セックスが楽しめなくなる原因となり、尿路にも影響を及ぼす可能性があります。
- 尿失禁 エストロゲンは膣だけでなく、尿路を含む骨盤全体を健康に保つためにも重要です。閉経後に性器尿路症候群を経験した多くの女性が、尿失禁やそのほかの排尿障害を発症しています。
定期的な性行為 – 性的な刺激を受けると、外陰部や膣組織は酸素を含んだ血液で膨らみます。これが、性行為が膣の萎縮を防ぐのに役立つ理由のひとつです。ただし、その行為が気持ちよくなければ、じゅうぶんな効果も得られません。苦痛ではなく喜びを感じるために、潤滑剤をお勧めします。いくつか試して自分に合うものを見つけましょう。
官能的な覚醒 – 性的に健康でいるために、必ずしもパートナーやセックストイ、またオーガズムが必要なのではありません。官能小説を読んだり、視覚で興奮を味わったり、暖かいお風呂に入って、優しく自分自身に触れることも大切です。自分はいとおしく、官能的で、大切に扱われるべき存在であることを改めて思い出しましょう。
CBD – カンナビジオール(CBD)などのカンナビス由来の成分は、性欲を目覚めさせ、親密さを高める効果があるものとして女性に人気があります。リラックス効果のほか、外陰部に直接塗ることで血流を促進させるというエビデンスもあります。局所的に使用したり、CBD入りの入浴剤を入れた温かいお風呂に入ってください。緊張をほぐすため、また性的な刺激のため、CBDの効能を余すところなく活用してください。
- 痛みの軽減:挿入時に膣の痛みを感じる人がいます。優しく挿入しても、傷つけられていると神経が錯覚し、信号を出すのです。CBDはTRPV1痛覚受容体を鈍化させ、痛みを軽減するのに役立ちます。
- 炎症を抑える:腟の炎症は性器尿路症候群の女性に共通する症状であり、性的楽しみの妨げになります。最も広く知られているCBDの効能のひとつに、炎症を抑える作用があります。
- 筋肉をほぐす:骨盤の筋肉が硬くなると、セックスの痛みの原因になります。CBDは筋肉の収縮を緩和させるという実験結果があります。
CBD & Intimacy After Menopause
Written by: Genevieve R. Moore PhD
- How does menopause affect your sexual health?
- Keeping your vagina healthy after menopause.
- Ways that CBD can help improve intimacy after menopause.
People often avoid talking about menopause, but it’s time for that to change. The more we know, the better prepared we are to face life’s challenges. And thankfully, there are steps we can take to help our bodies thrive through menopause… we just have to talk and learn about them.
The technical definition of menopause is the time in our lives when we stop menstruating. But unfortunately, menopause isn’t just about the end of your monthly cycle: This hormonal shift also can also change your body chemistry in many ways, one of which is that sex can become less appealing or even painful.
However, once you hit menopause, taking a vow of celibacy is not the best solution to a loss of desire. An active sex life – with or without a partner – comes with many important health benefits that shouldn’t be passed up, including:
- Stress reduction
- Heart health
- Bladder control
- Immune health
- Pelvic floor strength
- Improved sleep
This article was written to help you better understand the sexual changes that happen during menopause, and how you can use CBD and other natural methods to help maintain sexual intimacy after “the change.”
How menopause changes your body
When your body stops having regular periods, it also comes with some hormonal changes including a loss of monthly estrogen boosts. Without regular doses of estrogen, these are some of the changes that you might start experiencing in your pelvic region:
- Decreased libido. Pre-menopause, your monthly estrogen boosts often helped increase your interest in sex when you were most fertile. Now, without a monthly cycle, you might need to spend a little extra time to get in the mood.
- Less blood flow to the vagina. Healthy circulation and oxygenated blood flow to your pelvic area keeps your vagina lubricated and healthy. Estrogen helps increase blood flow to your vagina – but without monthly estrogen boosts, you might need to get your blood pumping in different ways.
- Increased pain. Unfortunately, without estrogen, some women’s vaginas can start to develop a high density of pain-perceiving nerves. This can turn sexual activities that used to feel great into something uncomfortable or even painful.
- Genitourinary syndrome of menopause.This syndrome, which affects more than half of women who’ve gone through menopause, is when the vaginal lining becomes thinner, less lubricated, and more inflamed. This contributes to sex becoming less enjoyable and can also affect the urinary tract.
- Urinary incontinence. It’s not just for your vagina – estrogen is also important for keeping your entire pelvic region healthy, including your urinary tract. Many women who develop incontinence or other urinary issues develop them after menopause, in connection to genitourinary syndrome.
Keeping your vagina healthy
Although you might use estrogen therapy to help your body adjust to menopause, it’s not recommended as a permanent solution – which means that at some point or another, we all need to learn how to care for our vaginas.
Without estrogen, a healthy vagina will benefit from moisture and a steady supply of oxygen. For moisture, make sure to use a pH-balanced moisturizer that’s made specifically for internal application, and ask your doctor how often you should be using it.
For keeping up your blood flow, here are some great options:
Regular sexual activity – When you’re sexually stimulated, your vulva and vaginal tissues swell with oxygenated blood. This is part of the reason why sexual activity helps prevent vaginal atrophy. However, make sure it feels good in order to get the maximum benefits. A good sexual lubricant can be the difference between painful and pleasurable – so buy a few different options and experiment with them.
Sensual arousal – You don’t need to have a partner, a sex toy, or an orgasm to stay sexually healthy. You could read a romance novel, watch something that turns you on, or just take a warm bath and gently touch yourself. Remind yourself that you are a loving, sensual being, and you will be rewarded.
CBD – Cannabidiol and other cannabis ingredients are popular among women for awakening sexual desire and increasing intimacy. There’s some evidence that they can encourage relaxation and blood flow when they’re applied directly to your vulva – so try using a topical or soaking in a warm bath with CBD-infused bath salts. You can use CBD on its own as part of a relaxing ritual, or you can follow it up with some sexual stimulation to reap the full benefits.
Using CBD to enhance sexual enjoyment
Although CBD might benefit your vagina on its own, many women find its best benefit is to make sexual intimacy more enjoyable. And anything that increases your pleasure will also help you enjoy the health benefits of regular sexual activity.
These are some of the ways that CBD can help increase your sexual pleasure after menopause:
- Pain reduction: For some of us, sexual penetration can be a painful experience. Even when the sex is gentle, our nerves can signal that we are being harmed. CBD could help reduce the pain by desensitizing TRPV1 pain receptors.
- Reduce inflammation: Vaginal inflammation is a common symptom in women with genitourinary syndrome, and it can get in the way of your sexual enjoyment. One of CBD’s most widely celebrated benefits is its ability to help fight inflammation.
- Muscle relaxation: When your pelvic muscles are tight, they can cause sex to become painful. In experiments, CBD reduces how much muscles can contract.
If you want to use CBD to help maintain your vaginal health after menopause, consider trying our bath salts. This way you can give the CBD some time to soak in exactly where it’s needed, while giving yourself the space to relax and focus on what’s important - YOU.
For your body and mind, we wish you the best on your journey through life’s transitions.
In the next article in this series, we’ll focus on how CBD is used for depression.