うつ病とCBD : CBDの効果とは?

 By Genevieve R. Moore PhD

  • うつ病の原因

  • CBDがうつ病の改善に役立つというエビデンス










    • 遺伝的特徴

    • 炎症

    • 慢性的なストレス

    • 痛み

    • トラウマ

    • 健康面での課題

    • 不安

    • 孤独






    げっ歯動物のエビデンス 人間と比べると治療計画が立てやすく実施がしやすいので、げっ歯類はエビデンスが豊富です。ある研究では、ハツカネズミとラットにCBDを一度投与したところ、投与後7日間抗うつ効果が持続したという結果が出ています。  糖尿病のラットで実験した場合でも、CBD24時間かけて複数回投与すると、うつ病が軽減しました。CBDSSRIと組み合わせると、ハツカネズミはより高い抗うつ効果を得られました。

    人間のエビデンス 現在、双極性障害の患者を対象に、二重盲検法を用いてCBDの抗うつ効果を検証するプラセボ対照試験が実施されています。また、CBDが効果的に患者の治療に使用された事例もあり、うつ病の治療のためにCBDを服用していた約400人のCBDユーザーを対象にした調査では、半数以上が「非常に」または「中程度に」効果があったと回答しています。








    CBD for Depression: Does it Work?

     Written by: Genevieve R. Moore PhD

    • Sources of depression
    • What’s the evidence that CBD can help depression?

    Depression can be an isolating and overwhelming experience. Although many of us share similar concerns and problems, we also carry our own unique burdens, which means that no depression is the same.

    Because we each have unique experiences with depression, it should not be surprising that what helps some people overcome their depression might not work for you. For instance, some people find that cannabidiol (CBD) helps their depression, while others don’t. The same can be said for many other therapies.

    If you currently suffer from untreated depression, it’s best to first seek a trained professional to help you develop a treatment plan. However, if you’re already in a stable position and trying to round out a holistic approach, you might be considering trying CBD. If you are, this article summarizes some of the current research on using CBD for depression.


    Unique sources of depression

    The science of depression is often oversimplified as a chemical imbalance – specifically, a serotonin deficiency. This is because serotonin was one of the first drug targets identified by researchers as having a role in depression. However, newer research indicates that otherneurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine can be involved in different people’s depressions. And some people with depression can actually have too much serotonin, instead of too little.

    These molecular imbalances might be inherited through genetics, but for many of us, personal situations can also change our body chemistry. From physical illness to chronic stress or isolation, our daily experiences impact our brains.

    Here are some influences on your brain’s neurochemistry and possible sources of depression:

    • Genetics
    • Inflammation
    • Constant stress
    • Pain
    • Traumatic events
    • Health challenges
    • Anxiety
    • Loneliness

    Your brain’s neurochemistry will differ depending on your situation, whether it’s loneliness, pain, genetics or another source of sadness. A wide variety of different problems can lead to the same telltale signs of depression. That’s why no single treatment always works for depression – there are different variations of depression.

    Fortunately, our daily lives don’t have to continue dragging down our mental health: When we change our daily routines, dietary choices and mental exercises, we can help shift our moods (and neurotransmitters) in a positive direction. And although it shouldn’t be used as a stand-alone solution, CBD might be useful as part of a more comprehensive plan.


    Evidence that CBD could help some types of depression

    Since this is a relatively new use for CBD, there isn’t much evidence for or against using CBD for depression. Researchers expect to learn a lot more in the next few years, but for now, here’s the available evidence:

    Rodent evidence — It’s much easier to design and conduct a rodent study than a human study, so there’s more evidence in rodents than humans at the moment. One study found that when mice and rats were given a single dose of CBD, it had a rapid antidepressant effect that lasted up to 7 days after the dose.  Even when tested in rats with diabetes, CBD helped relieve depression after a few doses of CBD over a 24-hour period. And when CBD was combined with an SSRI, mice experienced a stronger antidepressant effect.

    Human evidence – At the moment, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study testing CBD’s antidepressant effects in people with bipolar disorder is currently being conducted. Those results will be available sometime soon, but until then we also have example case studies where CBD has been used to effectively treat patients, and a survey-based study where more than half of approximately 400 CBD users who were taking CBD to treat their depression reported that it worked “very” or “moderately” well.


    Will CBD work for you?

    Although it is not recommended to use CBD in place of a more established method like talk therapy or medication, many people find CBD useful as part of a holistic recovery plan. However, there is not enough evidence yet to classify CBD as a depression treatment.

    No matter what approach you take for treating your depression, be kind to yourself and don’t give up your search for healing. If what you’re trying isn’t working, it’s not because you’re untreatable – it’s that you haven’t found the right solution yet for your unique brain chemistry. Keep trying. And always ask for help.

    For your body and mind, we wish you the best on your quest for emotional healing.

    In the next article in this series, we’ll explore how CBD encourages neuroplasticity, a key component of brain health.